Audio Technica ATH MSR7

Before I begin with my thoughts on these headphones here's a small excerpt from the Audio Technica site about Hi-Res audio. 

About High-Resolution Audio 

In Brief: The Move to Hi-Res Audio While many listeners may believe that high-resolution audio came along with the introduction of the Compact Disc in 1982, constraints on the disc’s storage space always prevented CD audio (standardized at 44.1 kHz/16-bit) from fully and completely reproducing the original recorded sound. The advent and subsequent popularity of MP3s only made this problem more pronounced – the necessary compression of these files causes audio information to be lost, thus greatly reducing the audio quality. But with lossless audio file formats, faster Internet speeds, and storage space increasingly easy to come by (and in ever-smaller packages), the push is on to create audio equipment capable of capturing and reproducing true Hi-Res Audio, generally considered to be 96 kHz/24-bit or better. The Hi-Res Audio logo certifies that a product meets the Hi-Res Audio standards. Per these standards, headphones must have transducer frequency performance to at least 40 kHz. As a producer of these types of audiophile headphones since 1972, Audio-Technica is well-positioned to provide audio solutions that meet the demands of Hi-Res Audio media formats, allowing for the full reproduction of their extended sonic characteristics.

When I first saw these headphones I was thought to myself that they these look amazing, but do they sound great? As soon as I tried them out and wore them for a few it was straight up bliss, the sound was crisp the quality of the material was top grade no flaws in anything. The sets of cables that come with it are for audio only, voice call and a spare long cable. These are also great for those loud train rides if you put it up above a certain level(Warning: Listen to music above the recommended level can be dangerous and lead to hearing loss) as to not hear the rustle of the trains as well as other commuters. The quality of the cables are the best ive seen in the industry, they bend and twist but the always go back to being straight when you give them a little tug. This is a huge deal for when you are out on the go you don't have to worry about getting the cable tangled up in anything. The only thing that I didn't like was the connector that goes to the devices, that piece seemed flimsy and I felt it could break off at any moment. Besides that its all good. They are great headphones all around !

Also I use these for gaming. These are a wonderful pair to of headphones to use for gaming be it PS, XB or PC ! They will pick up surround noise, and everything that makes a game what it really is. These are really one of the best I have tried that are multi purpose, I can't wait to see what they release next to top this because at this point I don't see that happening for a while. In conclusion, these are one of the best I have tried and I would recommend these to anyone looking for great music quality or audio quality in that matter. Keep it here to get more info on future tech and gaming news ! 

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