Weedcraft Inc

Have you guys ever wondered what it would be like to run an empire based off weed ? With this game you can either be a conglomerate and start you business legally or you can sell to the underground market and sell it for whatever price you see fit. But you still have to remember that you have to be competitive with pricing and with what you grow. In this game you get to experiment with different strains of the plant. 

With this game it touches different topics such as moral and legal obligations, You can lobby the politicians to your side and make a LEGAL empire or you can make a name for yourself in the underground market and you can set you own prices for it.

When you grow the weed you get to experience with the different strains and make the most potent one that you'd think would sell the most and bring in the most profit for you. When your competition lowers the price you have to lower the price, if your competition makes a better strain you have to try and make a better strain. This game will keep you on your toes, it is a story mission based game. 

What that means is that this game will give you objectives to complete to get the story progression going. This game will make you make decisions that can and will effect the endpoint of the game. With the time that I got to play this game, I got to see what an amazing job they did on it. This game will grab your attention and not let you go, I want to eventually get my hands on it again and try to 100% it. 

In my opinion is if you like story based games with small missions then this is the game for you. Right now the game will be launching sometime in 2019 on Steam. This game is made by Vile Monarch and published by Devolver Digital. I honestly cant wait to see how this game is received when it finally launches in 2019. I hope that people can have a sense of humor and see that it is all a joke and that it's meant to be taken humorously! I think game can and will take off, the one thing I do hope is that they bring it to consoles. Even though I know that would be a stretch given that its a touchy subject, I hope for the best and hope to see this on a portable system eventually! 
