PAX East 2022

For a convention that is supposed to be "post covid" it was really fun. They had the masks requirements, security at the door was nice quick and thorough. When you got in to the convention center they had a lot of exhibitors, buy some of the big name ones like Square Enix, Sony and Microsoft were visiably absent from the show floor.

 This was noticed but with all the other indie exhibitors there  was still something for everyone. They still had a lot of things to play and alot of socializing to so at the con , you were basically there to socialize and make friends this year. When it comes down to it it was a fun event. This year the event was great for content creators in the sense of being able to socialize with other content creators. Alot of them were there to see the con as well as they were invited out by their sponsors just to show that they have a precense in the gaming field.  

The organizers were honestly trying to make sure that they were able to hold the event safely while not ruining the experience of the convention. I think that they nailed it!! One thing which felt weird was that it felt like I was at PAX South if that makes sense. One good thing was that there were few parties going on, not as many as normal but for being in a post pandemic world , there isnt much we can ask for. Just enjoy what yo can get when you can get it.   

When it came time to go and find a party there weren't many, but still a healthy selection.  I ended up going to the Acer Predator party, and that was honestly toned down majorly. But still had a lot of people attend. In the long run it was fun as hell. When that was over i headed back to the hotel and had dinnner and a few drinks and then to start the day all over again. 

The convention in general for being it's first year back I give it a 7 out of 10. There are many things that could've been better(lines,  security, ect.) But now they have a whole year to fix it:)
