Devolver Digital E3

This is a quick post just about the games that Devolver Digital announced. Once I get more information on the games I will update the post. There are 6 games only info I have is the bare minimum. I will also be updating this tomorrow with the links to their trailer if I can. 

To begin with the first game was Fall Guys, this game is for PC and PS4 and is coming out in the early part of 2020. This game you literally have gummies fighting for the crown. It looks sill and cartoonish, but it looks like that game would be a blast. 

Next up is a game that is already out on Steam called Devolver Bootlegger. Basically it's Devolver bootlegging their own game and republishing them. As of right now I like the looks of the whole game and would definitely pick it up ! Again not that much information is available for this game and  we just have to wait and see where they lead us. 

In the next one the game called Carrion which looks fantastic, you are the monster eating everything and everybody it is on PC and console and will be out in 2020.

In the next game you it is literally an arcade box and the game is called Enter the Gunden House of The Gundead. Not much information was given about this except that its coming out in the early half of 2020. 

These last two games were quick announcements. First was the game called The Messenger: Enter the Picnic, for this game I currently have no information available currently. But this last game called My Friend Pedro is an interesting looking game which I only got to see the trailer for but is an interesting story. It comes out June 20th for the Nintendo Switch and PC.

In conclusion even though there wasn't that much information on the games show it was still a productive year for Devolver Digital. Besides their press conference going from zero to crazy in 1.5 seconds flat, I think this one takes the cake for one of the top press conferences of E3. Lets see if they can keep the momentum going and keep the hype alive! I honestly can't wait to see what they have in store for us in the near future. 

Thank you for stopping by if you have any thing you think I should look at or any further info, please tweet at me @techieoverload. 
