Rocket Wars

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This game is a fast paced space ship shoot em up style game. You have to shoot the enemy down while they are trying to do the same thing to you. the graphics are nice and simple and clean. You have 12 different spaceships that all have a unique look and stats to them. With that being said have 5 game modes that can be free for all or 2 v 2. These modes are called Death-match, Survivor, Nuke King, Spaceball and Entangled which is a 2 v 2 only. Also if you are playing with less then for people the AI fills up all empty slots as for you to have an awesome experience playing the game. I personally love this feature because I honestly don't have anyone to play with or against. One final thing that caught my eye about this game is that at the end of the game it gives players titles both good and bad depending on how you played! This game would be one of those games that you would pick up and play to have fun and relax. I honestly found blowing things up in space top be really calming!
