Bethseda E3

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Below are the few games that Bethseda has announced at E3. Hope you like what they have to offer!

First off we have Rage 2:

Image result for rage 2

After the asteroids hits the earth in the first game, you are still fighting for survival. You play as Walker the last ranger of the wasteland. This gamed has seemless open world, as well as you have to use the enviorment to your advantage if you want to survive. Fast paced fighting with your rage being your power up. You will be gaining new abilities through game mission. We will see this game in the spring of 2019. I can't wait to see how this game turns out! It sounds like there might be alot of broken controllers!

Next we go to one of many that we have from the Elder Scrolls Franchise.

Image result for Elder scrolls legends

The Elder Scrolls Legend will be completely overhauled with new graphics. It has a Hearthstone feel to it, same design and layout in my opinion. It will be out later this year for the Nintendo Switch, Xbox one , and the PS4. For now that's all the details that I have.

With everything that has been said at the event. I honestly can't wait for the rest of the things that Bethesda has planned for the rest of the year.
