TechniSport TS49

With everything that I have tried and seen, the best chair I have seen in the market and that I have tried out is TechniSports TS49. This chair is one of the most comfortable chair that I have ever tried, also with myself having back problems I can't sit on many chairs for a long period of time. But with this chair it was a blessing the extra support has been able to help me relax and not be in pain after my 12 or 24 hour streams. Just even after a few hours of just sitting down and writing reviews. This chair is one of those chairs that you can feel the support even if you don't think so. These are chairs that gamers and anyone who use computers for a long period of time so that they don't hurt their back. Also they look amazing ! they come in all different colors. Red, blue, white, green, orange, pink, yellow and black. With these amount of choices I am sure that you will find one that suits you ! Also when you do decide on one you can use the code "Techie" for 10% off of your purchase ! So if you are looking for an awesome chair I recommend this one for the durability and comfort! Also one thing about this chair, it made a cross country trip from Long Beach California to Queens New York and it was durable and survived the trip fully with no scratches ! I can't wait to see who gets these chairs!! Please let me know if you get a chair please tweet at me @techieoverload & @technisports we would love to see pics !! 
