FORTNITE(Primary Thought)

When I first saw the game I was like "it looks interesting but not something I can see myself playing" fast forward to PAX West 2017 and my views changed drastically! When I played the little bit of time that I did I was hooked! When you jump in before you can have a friend join you to help you out you have to learn the basics. Weapons, enemies the whole nine yards, this leads you to a 25 to 30 min tutorial type game play which is fun and teaches you how to scavenge for items as well as how to build your fort! (Hence the name), You have to destroy items around you to collect resources(i.e. Metal, wood, ect) in order to build your fort and craft weapons. The weapons themselves have to objectives, one is the weapons you use to defend the fort that stay at the fort and then you have your melee weapons which as everyone knows you carry those around. Every time you get resources you can go into the menu and see what you can craft. The more resources the bigger and more powerful the weapon. Same thing goes with the fort the more items scavenged the better the fort will be. Metal is better then wood ect ect ect... The enemies come in waves( Plants vs Zombieish) when you defeat a way it'll give you time to repair whatever was damaged and then you jump to the next mission. As to not dive to deep into it right now all I will say about this game is that it is a ton of fun but it gets better when you play as a group. When you collaborate you get things done quicker more resources for the fort as well as you can assign who looks repairs the fort while the others go and defend it. I thought that was awesome. Also the matchmaking is quick and seamless, unlike an another game that I have also been playing that will go unnamed. But as right now no hiccups and the game is running smoothly and I can't wait to keep on playing this game it looks like I found another game that is going to take more of my time! I will say if you guys are looking for a nice easy co-op game that you can just jump in and quickly learn the game mechanics then this is the one for you. Bring your friends and lets DEFENDS THESE FORTS!!! I will have a more in depth review when I have more time with the game, I just wanted to push this out real quick to let everyone know that it is an awesome game so far!  
