So while i'm on the plane to PAX WEST I decided to write a few posts! I want to ask all of you what games do you want me to follow and check out. Please put thought into this and I will do my best to get this to you. Also I do have streaming time at PAX, so I will be streaming from the pod once I figure out what we can stream. Hope that you keep it tuned in this weekend and don't miss a thing. Hope to see all of you guys that are going to PAX! Thanks for your time and support ! With the show always having the best and greatest that the gaming industry has to show this should be interesting to see to say the least hope that I get to see everything that I want to see! With that being said lets see what new things they have in the work for us this and next year. I think im in for one hell of a weekend!! What does everyone think anyone waiting for something good to come out of PAX? Let me know in the comments or tweet it out to @techieoverload I would love to hear from all of you guys on this topic! With this all I can say is get ready for the updates to the site and to twitter! Let the Mayhem begin! 
