Persona 5

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As many streamers have noticed Persona 5 has been coming with many glitches Atlus has not let a stream the game into his full potential what has happened is they have blocked many scenes as well as send DCMA notices to everybody who has stream the game for more than 12 hours meaning more than six chapters or 12 chapters whatever lands first so with that being said do you think that this will actually Advance or achieve what they're trying to get with Persona 5 or will they fail miserably with this limitation in Banning situation, alot of people are calling for a boycott of the game and the company in total. Unless something is done about this. Reason behind streaming is to show people who have doubts about any game why they are getting themselves into. For many gamers this is important as to see some gameplay before they commit. In my opinion Atlus could've done a better job handling the situation when it came to the fact of streamers. With this said I hope for a speedy resolution of what they call a solution, because the fact is a lot of Gamers will buy the game because of what they see from streamers if they like the way the streamers are playing the game and the way the game looks then more likely they are going to purchase the game but if they see all streamers getting notices of these a cease and desist. I myself have decided to get it after scrutiny in my own self because I want to try it and see how it goes as well as see how well it's made and I will be streaming it, more than likely though sent which a cease-and-desist on my behalf but it's not a bad because I will I'm not going to stop until I finished the game fully so we'll see what happens I'll keep everybody posted but remember this if you do have the game stream it because who are they to tell you to stop stream your game after some point in the game it makes no sense.
