Future Cars

With the New York International Auto show in full swing, I will be covering a few of the cars that are being shown on the floor that I think look futuristic. What would make the car look futuristic is not the look of it only but also the features that are included. When we think about the future we think self driving, auto-park, and a slew of other features but that's not the only things that make a care futuristic. You have the what makes the car a car (i.e the parts) when it comes down to it the problem society has that the car companies have is filling the consumers requests for cars that look straight out of cartoons and movies. For a while now a few car companies have been able to be one step ahead of the curve and lending their expertise with movie makers to come up with actual cars to be used in the movie and later mass produced for the general public. Again it's a little difficult when I comes to some aspects because the tech isn't there. But they are doing a great job with what they are given. A few of those cars include Audi, Mercedes, Rolls Royce, and a few others that have been on top of things since the IoT( internet of things) came into existence. And with alot of integrations nowadays you have a smart car intergreated with a smart home to tell you what's going on with your home and make things easier on you on many fronts. With that all being said I can't wait to see what this year's NYIAS has in store for all of us, I am hoping to be surprised and astonished when I walk into the javits in a few.
